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My wedding invitations turned out perfect and I received many compliments on their unique design! Oak made one very important detail of my wedding effortless.
— Laura Sardilli, Westchester, NY
really sweet and clever! ...charming, charming!
— Martha Stewart

We were featured on the Martha Stewart Show. How exciting is that?! Oak (our founder) and Martha made Valentine's Day cards together on the January 30, 2008 LIVE show.


Your cards are selling like crack!
— Buyer at WholeFoods
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...the card seemed to visually capture what I had in my brain without knowing exactly what I was looking for to send to him.

Thanks for hitting the nail on the head in such a creative way.
— Kevin G, Seattle
Your handwritten designs and beautiful calligraphy made my wedding invitations so very elegant!
— Cat Weldon, Oceanside, CA